Partnerships are key to connectivity success

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If there’s one thing you can always rely on at MWC, it’s the buzz. We were kept busy at our stand in Hall 7 7D71 today, meeting lots of interesting people, sharing the Cubic story and even getting in front of the cameras for a few videos (more of those later).

While we were busy with all that, some colleagues did manage to sit in on a few of the really interesting talks taking place all over the Fira. Here’s a little flavour of what we heard about today, and once again, the theme of partnerships was strong:

  • This morning’s keynote was on the theme of “Delivering a New World.” Stephanie Lynch-Habib from the GSMA said that over one billion 5G connections were expected globally by the end of this year and that by 2025, it would account for a quarter of total mobile connections around the world. According to Lynch-Habib, “We’re moving from an era of simple connectivity to one of meaningful connectivity.” She spoke of the continued role that partnerships across the industry and different sectors would play in delivering on this – from mobile providers to cloud, content delivery networks and entertainment.
  • Adam Selipsky, CEO of Amazon Web Services, spoke about the power of connectivity and the cloud to push the edge to new places with IoT and 5G. Stating that “The cloud revolution in the telecommunications industry is being shaped by astonishing levels of data growth,” he said that 5G networks will carry 62% of mobile data traffic by 2027.

  • Leaders from organisations like the GSMA, China Mobile and the Energy Transitions Commission got together to discuss 5G, de-carbonisation and how technology will play a role in reaching carbon neutral and net zero.
  • The “Unleash Sustainable Digital Ecosystems” discussion over on the MWC broadcast stage ranged from scaling and monetizing services to network slicing, IoT and what it will take to build next-generation, seamless pricing and charging systems across multiple use cases.
  • At the “State of the Industry: What’s Next for the Mobile Sector” discussion, Korea’s Minister for Science and ICT, Prof. Hyesook LIM, talked about the user-centred paradigm shift that’s leading us into the next, explosive expansion of connectivity via 5G and hyper-connected networks. She explained how the country’s rapid rollout and penetration of 5G was driven by partnerships across the industry, and that one of their key goals had been to use the technology to address the challenges of the covid-19 pandemic.

We’re looking forward to even more exciting talks tomorrow, and even more opportunities to meet with you and discuss how Cubic is approaching what’s next for connectivity. If you’re at the Fira, drop by and say hello: we’re at Hall 7 7D71.

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