Like all the best technology, Cubic Telecom’s PLXOR solution is proving popular because it opens doors for businesses to do things differently. In our world, PLXOR enables near real-time visibility of data usage to connected cars, and the option of routing data traffic in a way that works best for different services in different locations. Basically, we help understand and classify data for automotive manufacturers in ways that were unimaginable a few years ago.
Software-driven solutions
PLXOR epitomises what Cubic Telecom is all about, leveraging leading-edge technologies to deliver unique solutions that help our clients transform their business models. It also speaks volumes about how connectivity software has changed, and the way that cloud and virtualisation have informed new types of architecture.
At Cubic we were quick to grasp the significance of software-defined networks and NFV (Network Function Virtualisation), two technologies that enable greater flexibility and agility in delivering network services. They both rely on virtualisation, which most businesses will be familiar with from their data centres, where software emulates physical computers and is used to run multiple apps and services.
Visibility of bandwidth consumption, by service or application, and quality of service (QoS), is gold dust to carmakers as they look to launch new products and partner third parties in a connected ecosystem. Because carmakers have their own architecture and systems, we have designed PLXOR to work on multiple platforms and integrate into different backend systems.

Power of the cloud
The other game-changing technology that made PLXOR possible is cloud. Designed to be accessed easily from anywhere, PLXOR is a platform solution that can scale and ‘flex’ to meet changing demands. Cloud agnostic, it can run on Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure or even in a private data centre.
Our first iteration of PLXOR was on Amazon Web Services, but we soon discovered that customers were committed to other platforms and we needed to make it transferable. Some had their own data centres, with packet gateways pulling in data from connected vehicles, and it made sense to locate PLXOR within the same facility.
To build a global cloud solution for different platforms required another leading-edge technology, containerisation. Open source solutions like Kubernetes are a way to deploy applications without having to launch virtual machines and can be used to manage microservice architectures across public, private and hybrid cloud environments.
Ahead of the curve
No-one else in our space is leveraging technology and innovating quite like we do. PLXOR takes advantage of the power of cloud, containerisation and virtualisation to deliver at scale with no single point of failure, guaranteeing resilience as well as scalability. In short, we found a way to view network traffic across multiple networks and facilitate data classification across different services at scale. And that’s a significant first for global automotive manufacturers.
Learn more about PLXOR